5944 Steubenville Pike, McKees Rocks, PA 15136

Cancellation Policy

We're sorry to hear you can't make your appointment this time around! Here's our salon's policy regarding cancellations for your reference.

Cancellation Policy 

If you are unable to keep an appointment, please notify the salon 24 hours in advance to your scheduled time. We will be more than happy to make accommodations and reschedule your appointment for you.  

Clients who do not show up for a scheduled appointment without a 24 hour notice will be subject to a "no show" fee of up to 50% of service cost as well as not being able to book another appointment without prepaying for at least 50% of that service. 

Soleil Beauty and Wellness, LLC requires all guests to have a credit card on file per our cancellation policy. 

We ask that you please respect our stylists' time and the policy. 

Thank you! 

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